Saturday, September 15, 2012

The End of a Productive Day

It's 11:00p.m. and I'm finally sitting down to just chill for a bit.  The day has been pack full of business and fun.  I successfully delivered 4 totes of kid-o clothes and toys to one of our consignment shops in town - 3 more bunches of stuff going to 3 different locales, and I can call my purging project officially done!  My storage room isn't even that big - only about 15 x 8 - but I can't believe the amount of stuff that was in here!!  Crazy!  I'm SO grateful for hand-me-downs - I really haven't had to buy a whole lot for Madeline - but it was definitely time to clear out.  I now have her stored clothes (from birth until she's about 6) in 10 totes - down from the almost 20 that it was.  In addition to all the other stuff I got rid of, a little more than half of my storage room is not my crafting area, so I'm pretty excited about that!  It'll be nice to be able to spread out my projects without little hands getting into everything!

The neighbor that rents our grain bins is also working on repairing/partially replacing one of the 3 bins we have.  At some point, before we bought our farm, someone put grain that was too wet in the bin and caused the steel rings to buckle resulting in a grain bin with a dreadful lean.  So, in order to fix the problem, the whole bin had to be disassembled - I currently have 3 sections of bin sitting in my front yard - the buckled sections removed/replaced, and then the whole works has to go back together again.  To add to the "fun,"  whoever originally laid the concrete slab that the bin sits on didn't put re-rod in the concrete so the pad itself ended up breaking apart so it too needs to be replaced.  Brian was out there today with the tractor helping to remove the old concrete so the new pad can be laid next week.  It's been fun seeing this project come together!  Yet another one of those times when I'm so glad to be surrounded by an awesome team of "do-it-yourself-ers."

My little Jetta is also on the mend.  We ended up having to order a bolt that, I believe, goes from the block to the timing belt housing - it had to come directly from the VW dealer, so we'll be waiting for it to come in on Wednesday.  Then, we should be ready to go back together!  Would sure be nice if we could be back up and running by next weekend.  This $70+ per week to fill up my Jeep is a killer!!!

I got extra spoiled today with Subway for lunch and Breadeaux for supper.  We invited our renter in to join us for dinner too, which was great!  It's always nice to be able to share a meal with a neighbor!  After dinner was bath time for the Princess, some "Dinousaur Train" wind down, prayer time, and bed.  Brian and I enjoyed some time out in the shop together - him working on the car, and me kicking back in my lawn chair snuggling with my cat, JJ.  It was nice to have some Mommy and Daddy time!

The alarm clock is set for church in the morning, and I'm off to download some new Itunes music from The Piano Guys.  A perfect way to end the day!

PS - on a side note, I'm more than 5 months soda free!!!

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