Sunday, September 16, 2012

A New Strategy

I've struggled with my weight my whole life.  I've NEVER been petite in any way - even at my lowest weight, I was still a size 10.  You just can't deflate bone mass or structure - and my body is definitely a solid one.  In my never-ending quest to lose weight, I'm always looking for new ways to cut corners and cut pounds without setting the bar too high - if the path to my goal is too daunting or I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, then it generally isn't a path I'll stick too cause discouragement sets in and I resort to my method of self-comforting which, ironically enough, is eating.  It's such a paradox, isn't it!? 

Anyway, one of the toughest parts of loosing weight for me is exercise.  I don't just dislike working out - I hate it - I LOATHE it - the thought of it makes me want to hide.  I hate sweating, I hate watching the distance or timers on workout machines, I hate putting in all the effort thinking that I've burned like 1000 calories just to find out it's more like 10.  I despise it!  So, I ended up finding an at least partial solution that seems to be helping - something that I've also been able to stick to which, for me, is really important! 

What is my solution you ask?  Well - it's exercising in the shower.  Yep - you heard right.  I don't like to sweat, so exercising in the shower keeps me feeling cool and the water is definitely relaxing.  I obviously can't do any kind of major cardio routine, but I can definitely do muscle work and stretching. 

Here's my routine (oh and a little disclaimer - I am NO fitness expert - frankly, I really have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to fitness - so my descriptions may not be exactly accurate, but I'll do my best):

I try to do about 50 jumping jacks before I get in the shower.  It gets my heart rate up, and I get the sweating part over and done with before I jump in the tub. 

Next comes my leg work - 20 squats, 20 scissor leg lifts on each leg, 20 backward leg lifts on each leg. 

Then I do a bit of standing ab work - from a standing position, I hold my arms at my sides and, alternating sides, I lean and reach with my right hand to the side of my right knee - come back upright - pause - then do the same to the left.  I do this 50 times.  Then holding my left hand behind my neck I bring my elbow down to touch my left knee as I bring it up.  I do this 20 times on each leg. 

Lastly, I punch it out - I hold my fists in front of my chest and twist my waist to the right and punch my left hand to the right.  I come back to center then do the same to the left.  I do this motion 50 times alternating right, left, right, left, etc.

I try to do this routine 5-6 nights a week - it usually only takes me about 10 minutes, but by the time I'm done the muscles in my tush and thighs are screaming.  It may not be perfect, or even correct, but I've been feeling a whole lot better and am hoping that I continue to feel and see results!!

Down 22lbs. and counting!!


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