Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Of Cholerics and Plegmatics...

It's the end of another productive day.  I only wish my husband could actually SEE what I do all day long instead of just taking my word that I actually did something!  *LOL*  SO much of what a homemaker does goes unseen and there's certainly no exception in our house.

As summer moves in to fall, there's always much to be done - not just around the house, but around the farm as well.  Outdoor toys need to be put away, I need to get my stock of flowers cut and transferred to mason jars so they can root over the winter, dig up my geraniums so they can hibernate in the cellar over the winter, winterize the barn so the horses and sheep stay warm - there's never a shortage of work to be done.  Today, though, I tackled the daunting task of sorting through Madeline's clothes and switching out spring/summer ones for fall/winter outfits.  I tell ya, if you ever see my daughter running around the house naked, it's certainly not due to a lack of clothes!  I'm SO grateful for hand-me-downs and consignment shop deals!

I ended up going up to Des Moines with Madeline and Brian tonight.  Normally Wednesdays are "Mommy's Night," but the bolt that Brian needs to fix my Jetta was in at the dealership, so I tagged along to run errands while they were at church.  I must say it was nice perusing through Hobby Lobby and Kohls all by myself, but an hour and a half just flies by way too fast!  I did, however, successfully get what I needed/wanted at both places and scored some extra good deals in the process.  A pair of capris and 5 shirts at Kohl's for $23 made for a very profitable trip for sure!

As part of Brian's "Men's Fraternity" Bible study, he and I both had to complete a questionnaire to determine our personality types.  I've taken lots of these in the past, and the results of this one were consistent from the others before.  I am a Choleric with secondary Melancholy.  Brian is pretty much a straight Phlegmatic.  Brian and I always get a kick out of sitting and reading the descriptions of each personality type - we just laugh and giggle as we read the list of traits and find the ones that fit us each to a T.

"You are a born leader, dynamic and active and have a compulsive need for change.  You often feel that you must correct wrongs.  You are very goal oriented, see the whole picture and organize well.  You seek practical solutions to problems and move quickly to action.  You excel during emergencies."

Yup - that's me.

But then there's also, "You can be bossy and impatient.  Their strong personalities can lend to weaknesses, such as being opinionated, stubborn or insensitive to other's feelings."

Yikes - yup - that can definitely be me too!

As for my dear husband, "The phlegmatic personality is low-key, easygoing and relaxed.  They are patient, well-balanced and calm.  They are sympathetic and kindhearted. They have a calming disposition in times of trouble.  The phlegmatic will take time for others and is not hurried.  They are very patient with children and make wonderful parents.  They can take the good with the bad and do not easily become upset.  They are competent, steady, peaceful and agreeable."

That's definitely my guy!!

However, on the flip-side, "They can be unenthusiastic and do not get revved up very easily.  They can possess a quiet will of iron that is as immovable as a rock. They can be very stubborn and never admit it. They can be...a little selfish at times. They can be...sarcastic, and teasing."

Hmmmm...sounds pretty familiar!! 

Isn't it amazing, though, that despite our triumphs and many flaws, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," (Psalms 134:19)!  Praise the Lord!!!

Curious about your personality type??  Check out:

Until next time...


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